Looking for WHS Classmates

I am looking for some former classmates of mine at Wisconsin High School
in Madison WI. These people were in 7th grade during the 1959-1960 school year.
That's the class of 1965. So, they'd have to be about 59 years old now.

If you are one of these people, please contact me. I have a DVD for you!
  • Richard Meskill (a.k.a. Rick Meskill)
  • Pat Mulhall
  • Lucile Newbold (a.k.a. Sherry Newbold)
  • Patricia Schram Winn, Patricia Winn, Pat Winn

  • Mike Smith
  • Elizabeth Edwards
  • Tom Allen

Contact me at:

Jeffrey Mattox
WHS '65

Whisky High home page

The class of 1965 as 7th graders   (larger image) (630 KB)
WHS class of 1965

Posted: Sept 20, 2004, updated Aril 27, 2007